Sneak, distract, possess, collect, brew, and wash wolf from were.  🐺🌕


  • Full screen web player lags a bit for me at least so might not be the best option.
  • Game relies heavily on shadows and Godot gave me some trouble with them. Hopefully they work now.
  • Please excuse audio stutter on game (re)load on web; looks like there's nothing I can do. 🙁
  • On some machines the vignette is not smooth like in screenshots but that’s just a visual annoyance.

Made in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 52. The theme was harvest.

Didn’t have time to explain the story well in-game. You’re cursed into a harmless werewolf but feared indiscriminately. A potion will restore your form, and if you explain it to the people after, maybe they’ll think twice before quickly dispatching the next poor soul.

Oh, and it takes place at a harvest feast/market with fresh crops to use.

🎭 Credits

🕹 Controls

Keyboard and mouse:

  • Move: WASD/ZQSD/arrows
  • Run: shift
  • Look: move mouse
  • Confirm question: left click
  • Throw item / cancel shop: right click

Gamepad (only tested with PS3):

  • Move: left stick
  • Run: left shoulder
  • Look: right stick
  • Confirm question: face button 1 (PS X, Xbox A)
  • Throw item / cancel shop: face button 2 (PS O, Xbox B)

You can also control these settings only with keyboard:

  • Un/lock cursor: space
  • Invert horizontal look: X
  • Invert vertical look: Y
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsLudum Dare, Ludum Dare 52, Stealth, werewolf
LinksLudum Dare


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Nice! The hiding in shadows and possessing people was neat, and quite impressive for a game jam! I enjoyed the tension created by the limited possession time + the obscured/distant visuals making it hard to identify the foods for sale. Cute character art style too! :)

Thank you!!  💜  I did mean for crops to be clearer and trees to fade out near the camera but ran out of time to fix, but I'm glad you feel those were features rather than bugs then haha 😁