You wake up after a nap on the train and everyone—including the driver—is missing.

Made in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 54. The theme was limited space.

As you can probably tell I ended up spending too much time on cinematics and didn’t have much left for actual gameplay and had to scrap my plans but it was fun to focus on something else.

Will try to get native builds up during the week.

🕹 Controls

Move: WASD/ZQSD or arrow keys
Run: Shift
Look: Mouse
Interact: E or click
Un/lock cursor: space
Invert camera axes: X and Y
Mouse sensitivity: U to increase, M to decrease, J to reset

🎭 Credits


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nice short

Thanks for playing! I'll see if I can fix that visual bug in the corners of the vignette, didn't see that on my computer…